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Message 00517: Re: nyt

yup. i certainly don't have my hopes up or anything.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 7:38 PM, Carl Malamud <xxxxxxx@media.org> wrote:
> btw, I don't want you getting your hopes up too much on this article ...
> getting the story to the reporter is one piece, what the reporter actually
> does can be totally different.  And, the editors can be totally brutal,
> taking 2000 words down to 750, reducing whole stories to one-liners.
> I'm pretty you have a star role in this, and I'm pretty sure the article is
> going to be big and play well, but even if you get one line in a 500-word
> back-of-the-book piece, please don't be disappointed.  NY Times pieces have
> a very long shelf-life and they are incredibly useful in establishing
> credibility ... that is worth way more than initial bounce or the size of
> the piece.
> I have no idea how much press you've received, so this might be gratuitous
> advice, but I know we've both invested a lot in this story, so I just wanted
> to give you my advice from having gone through this ringer many times ...
> you can't control the press and you can't second guess the reporters.  You
> don't seem like somebody who gets all bent out of shape about this stuff,
> but just in case, my $0.02.
> On Jan 27, 2009, at 1:54 PM, Aaron Swartz wrote:
>> Do you know when the article is going to be published yet? Do you
>> think I'll have to do any ancillary press followup? Just trying to
>> make sure I clear time in my schedule and stay near a phone if
>> appropriate.