The Seal of Approval
Search Results

Found 50 product(s) for Health Care (33 - 40 of 50)


Food and Drug Administration 6-minute VHS, 1990.

Medication Counseling in the Pharmacy

Department of Veterans Affairs 26-minute VHS, 19-page instructor's guide, 27-page user's guide, 1994.

Nursing Staff Review: Infection Control

Veterans Administration 5 diskettes, 1996.

Oral Health Care for the Geriatric Patient: Self Care Methods for Patients

Veterans Administration 9-minute VHS, 1991.

Patient Costing

Veterans Administration 12-minute VHS, 1994.

Priority: POW

Veterans Administration 36-minute VHS, 1991.

Relapse Prevention

Health and Human Services 24-minute VHS, 33-page user's guide, 1992.

Reprocessing of Hemodialyzers

Health and Human Services 32-minute VHS, 1990.
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