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Message 00818: Re: My PACER post for VoxPopuLII

i'll try to get the FOIA docs scanned at some point, but i'm trying to
lie low at the moment

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 3:08 PM, Stephen Schultze <xxxxxxx@princeton.edu> wrote:
> Yeah, they know about me because the fucking NYT published my name even
> though I asked them not to.
> What a waste of federal resources.
> Nice FOIA work Aaron.
> On Feb 1, 2011, at 3:04 PM, Carl Malamud wrote:
>> they still claim they have no file on me in response to my foia request.
>> can I see your foia results?
>> thanks!
>> Carl
>> On Feb 1, 2011, at 12:01 PM, Aaron Swartz wrote:
>>> I should note that last week I got some FOIA documents from DOJ where
>>> they suggest that Schultze was my co-conspirator. (They redact his
>>> name but they describe him as a guy who gave a talk to the Berkman
>>> Center about how PACER should be free and note that I live nearby the
>>> Center -- so DOJ figured out what the FBI didn't. Intergovernmental
>>> uncoordination wins again!)
>>> DOJ Attorney: "I would venture to guess that the PACER compromise was
>>> conceived and carried out by Swartz and [REDACTED] in furtherance of
>>> the open access to documents projects that both are involved in. I
>>> wouldn't be shocked if they freely admitted they did it and asserted
>>> some sort of defense based on their belief that government document
>>> should be available free of charge and/or that they merely automated
>>> the free PACER access being provided by the US Courts."
>>> and then, months later:
>>> DOJ Attorney: "We've had several fairly lengthy discussions internally
>>> here at CCIPS over the last few days re the PACER investigation. Our
>>> assessment, based on what we know at this point, is that this doesn't
>>> seem like a great case to pursue with a full investigative effort and
>>> an eye towards prosecution. There are a number of reasons fpr that
>>> assessment and some alternatives for addressing the conduct..."
>>> FWIW, I've never named anyone else who was involved in what I did, but
>>> let me know if you want to take credit.
>>> On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Steve Schultze <xxxxxxx@princeton.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hey, I've written a post about PACER for VoxPopuLII.  I basically tell
>>>> the history of the fight to remove the paywall.  I describe some of our
>>>> early antics, so I wanted to run it by you before it goes live.  Let me 
>>>> know
>>>> if anything should be censored, or if I'm missing anything important.
>>>> For some reason the hyperlinks didn't come through on the PDF, but there
>>>> are a bunch of them.